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June 2021 - Workshop for Bank of Slovenia

As part of the European FIN-TECH project, Nastja Cepak, Andrej Cepak, and Marina Markežič organized a two-day workshop on the topic of blockchain for Bank of Slovenia employees.

Uvod in simetrična kriptografija, Nastja Cepak
Hash funkcije, Nastja Cepak
Asimetrična kriptografija, Nastja Cepak
Kaj je digitalna denarnica? Nastja Cepak
Blockchain algoritmi v prihodnje, Nastja Cepak
Pregled razvoja trenutnega DeFi prostora, Andrej Cepak
Risk management, Marina Markežič


January 2021 - Talks for II. gimnazija Maribor

In the second week of January Nastja Cepak and Amar Bapić gave 45min talks for high schoolers on the topic of cryptography.

11.1.2021 - O asimetrični kriptografiji in digitalnih potrdilih, Nastja Cepak
12.1.2021 - Zodiac Killer's Cipher, Amar Bapić


November 2020 - Cryptography Month

In November, members of the Center held a series of cryptrographic seminars on UP FAMNIT', describing their research work, and various aspects of cryptography.

09.11.2020 - Post-Quantum Cryptography, Nastja Cepak
16.11.2020 - Cryptographically significant mappings over F_2^n, Amar Bapić
23.11.2020 - Minimal linear codes: new constructions, René Rodríguez Aldama
30.11.2020 - An Analysis of the C class of Bent Functions, Sadmir Kudin
30.11.2020 - Enes Pasalic


23.2.2020 - Interview

Members of the Center gave an interview for the podcast Hevreka on Radio Rai and talked about their work, cryptography, cryptanalysis, and about why we need both in today's world.

Link to the recording


23.1.2020 - Mathematical Day for High Schools

Nastja Cepak gave a lecture on blockchain to the high school students from Gimnazija Koper on the 4th Mathematical Day that Gimnazija Koper and UP FAMNIT held together.

Link to the article


27.11.2019 - Blockchain Lecture

Nastja Cepak gave a lecture on blockchain, titled "Veriženje + podatki = blockchain", for the cycle of popular science lectures, Matematični izleti v vesolje, held by UP FAMNIT.

Veriženje + podatki = blockchain, Nastja Cepak


20.11.2019 - Zois Award

Prof. Enes Pasalic, PhD received the Zois Award for outstanding scientific achievements in the field of cryptography. Zois Awards and Recognitions are the most prestigious awards for exceptional achievements in scientific research and development activities, awarded to researchers in the Republic of Slovenia.

Link to the article


27.5.2019 - Workshop for Bank of Slovenia

Together with other UP FAMNIT researchers, members of the Center held a Blockchain workshop for Bank of Slovenia. It was divided into four parts:

Zgodovina blockchain tehnologije, Nastja Cepak
Kaj sestavlja blockchain, Matjaž Krnc
Kako blockchain deluje in katere probleme rešuje, Jernej Vičič
Kripto imetja, smart contracts in drugi primeri uporabe, Aleksandar Tošić